豆瓣评分:6.0,算是一部高评分影视作品,亲们,能有此分数的影视作品也为数不多呀,推荐大家值得观看。类型为恐怖的影视作品,创作于英国地区,具有英语 / 马尔他语语言版本。
在一个炎热的午夜,辣妞范和她的男友在车里亲吻。突然间,他们被警察叫停了。辣妞范拿出了自己的社交名片,并向警察解释道:“我是一名社交达人,正在为我的粉丝直播。”警察不信并要求检查车内情况。此时辣妞范施展出自己的“魅力”,成功地让警察放过了他们。 As midnight approached, the spicy girl and her boyfriend were kissing in their car. Suddenly, they were stopped by the police. The spicy girl then showed her social media card and explained to the officer that she was a social influencer who was live streaming for her fans. However, the officer did not believe her and demanded to check inside their car. Using all of her charm, the spicy girl managed to convince him otherwise and got away with it.