《我女朋友的妈妈》是一部以现实生活为背景的爱情剧。男主角小杰和女友璐璐相恋多年,但却一直未得到她妈妈的认可。某天,小杰意外救了一个陌生人,却不想这位人就是璐璐的祖母。在经历了许多困难和误会之后,小杰终于获得祖母的信任并帮助她化解家庭纷争。最终,小杰向璐璐求婚成功,并与她过上幸福美满的生活。 In the drama "My Girlfriend's Mother", Xiao Jie and his girlfriend Lu Lu have been in love for many years but have not gained the approval of her mother. One day, Xiao Jie unwittingly saves a stranger who turns out to be Lu Lu's grandmother. After encountering numerous difficulties and misunderstandings, Xiao Jie finally gains the trust of grandma and helps her resolve family conflicts. In the end, Xiao Jie successfully proposes to Lu Lu and they live a happy life together.