小说家松田在逐渐失去灵感的时候,邂逅了一位神秘女子。她告诉他,在樱花盛开的时候,用手指拂过樱花树下的土地,就能够得到启示。松田带着疑惑来到了那里,并按照女子所说做了。不久后,他开始写出极具灵性和感染力的小说。但是随着时间推移,他发现这个方法并非完美无缺:它会让人沉迷于创作中而忽略生活中重要的东西。最终,他决定放弃这种方式,并找回自己真正想要表达的东西。 The novelist Matsuda meets a mysterious woman when he is gradually losing his inspiration. She tells him that touching the soil under the cherry blossom tree with your fingers during full bloom can bring enlightenment. Following her instructions, Matsuda begins to write spiritually and emotionally powerful novels. However, over time, he realizes that this method is not perfect: it makes people addicted to creation while ignoring important things in life. In the end, he decides to give up this way and find what he really wants to express.