在世界末日到来前夕,一群陌生人相聚于蜕皮末班车胶囊旅馆。他们各自携带着心中的秘密和遗憾,在这个特殊的空间里相互交织、碰撞。然而,旅馆主人却突然消失了,留下了一份神秘计划。为了活下去,他们必须合作完成这个任务。在不断地寻找与挑战中,他们逐渐发现彼此之间的联系和真正的价值,并最终共同面对未知的命运。 In the eve of the apocalypse, a group of strangers gather at Tui Pi Last Bus Capsule Hotel. They carry their own secrets and regrets, intertwining and colliding in this special space. However, the hotel owner suddenly disappears, leaving behind a mysterious plan. To survive, they must work together to complete this task. In constant search and challenge, they gradually discover their connection and true value to each other, ultimately facing an unknown destiny together.