故事讲述了青梅竹马的莉莉和小龙都成为了消防员,他们一起经历了各种火灾和紧急救援任务。在工作中,两人的感情也逐渐升温。但是,在一次大火中,小龙不幸牺牲,让莉莉痛失挚爱。她努力克服自己的悲伤,并继续坚守岗位。同时,新来的消防员安迪加入队伍并与莉莉产生了感情纠纷。最后,在所有人的帮助下,两人解决了问题,并共同面对未来的挑战。本季节目以美丽动人、充满活力和勇气为主题。 The story follows childhood friends Lily and Xiaolong, who become firefighters together and go through various fire and emergency rescue missions. Their relationship gradually heats up as they work together. However, in a big fire, Xiaolong unfortunately sacrifices himself, leaving Lily heartbroken. She overcomes her grief and continues to hold her position. Meanwhile, new firefighter Andy joins the team and has a romantic dispute with Lily. In the end, with everyone's help, they solve their problems and face future challenges together. This season is themed around beauty, vitality and courage.