



故事讲述了一名纤夫在河边偶遇美丽的樱花,深深地爱上了她。然而,他却发现自己无法与她相处,因为他是一个平凡的劳动者,而她则来自高贵的家族。面对这种困境,纤夫感到十分痛苦和无助。最终,在众人鼓励下,他勇敢地向樱花表白,并得到了她的回应。两人决定共同面对未来的挑战,并展开一段充满希望和爱情的旅程。 The story tells of a boatman who falls deeply in love with a beautiful cherry blossom he meets by the river. However, he realizes that he cannot be with her as he is an ordinary laborer while she comes from a noble family. The boatman feels distressed and helpless about this situation. Eventually, encouraged by others, he bravely confesses his feelings to the cherry blossom and receives her response. They decide to face future challenges together and embark on a journey filled with hope and love.


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