故事发生在一个中学校园里。男主角小华是个胆小怕事的学生,他心爱的女同学小丽天天驾着一辆骑行车从他面前呼啸而过。为了吸引小丽的注意,小华打算通过迈出一步来展示自信。某日放学后,他默默地练习骑车,并成功保持平衡。然而,在走进校门时,失控的雷卡疯狂地逼近他,席卷大雨和风暴。寸步不离死神如斯距离下,小华顶住巨大恐惧心理、低头奋力挂上滚滚雷响风中擦肩而过的声次。 The story takes place in a middle school campus. The protagonist, Xiaohua, is a timid and fearful student. His beloved classmate, Xiaoli, rides her bike past him every day. In order to catch Xiaoli's attention, Xiaohua decides to show his confidence by taking action. One day after school, he quietly practices riding the bicycle and successfully maintains balance. However, as he approaches the school gate, an out-of-control Rekka car rapidly approaches him accompanied by heavy rain and a storm. With death seemingly looming inches away from him, Xiaohua overcomes his immense fear and bravely lowers his head to hang on tightly amidst the thunderous roar of wind passing just beside him.