《小时代2》是根据郭敬明同名小说改编的电影,剧情承接上一部。年少时演戏梦想破灭的林萧凭借努力成为高富帅,与好友清华从商。一场突如其来的危机让她失去一切,强大反派三人组对抗继续。恋爱、友情和亲情纠结交错,她们面临求真实心及留下自己足迹两个选择困境。“Little Times 2” is a sequel which revolves around the protagonist Lin Xiao's journey from fame to glory, as she becomes a wealthy and influential woman. However, her life takes a downturn when she encounters unexpected crisis that leaves her with nothing. Battling against powerful opponents, Lin struggles to maintain relationships, questioning the choices between living authentically and leaving one's own mark in this fast-paced world.