



本剧讲述了一个大学生小明与他女朋友小丽的爱情故事。小丽迷人而温柔,却因为她妈妈秘密失踪的原因备受困扰。为寻找真相,小明决定调查她妈妈的过去,并发现一个惊天秘密。在一次机缘巧合下,他们误入时间隧道,回到二十年前的时空中。面对各种困难和阻碍,他们展开了刺激紧张的冒险之旅,在寻找真相的路上经历了艰辛、磨难和考验。最终,他们揭露了秘密并修复了过去的错误,在成长与爱情中获得幸福与成就感。 Translation: This drama tells the love story of a college student, Xiaoming, and his girlfriend, Xiaoli. Despite Xiao Li's charm and gentleness, she is troubled by her mother's mysterious disappearance. Determined to uncover the truth, Xiaoming decides to investigate her mother's past and discovers a shocking secret. Through a twist of fate, they find themselves transported through a time tunnel back twenty years into the past. Facing various obstacles and challenges, they embark on an exciting adventure in search of truth. Along the way, they endure hardships and tests that ultimately lead them to expose the secret and correct past mistakes, finding happiness and fulfillment in growth and love.


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